
Pedestrian Movement

In today’s world, everyone is maximizing the usage of every space either in homes, streets, parks, streets, hallways, etc. Lots of money were being spent on unnecessary spaces and structures that tends to occupy areas which can be productive and useful to all walks of life.

James Cubitt and Partners engineers and architects will provide you services on how to maximize spaces, maximize the flow of pedestrians that minimizes the lost of time in reaching destinations in a most convenient way by arranging the geometry of carriageways, walkways and flow of traffic. Even in commercial and residential areas, the expertise of our engineers and architects in planning is reliably effective and less trouble.

James Cubitt and Partners recognizes how the general population reacts and think in terms of destination accessibility and that is where our team of experts focuses and continuously does researches, pedestrian movement survey, traffic study and come up with a solution that considers population age group, less stressful to pedestrians and environmentally friendly.

Scope of Services include:

  • Develop and Improving road safety
  • Incorporate and assimilate transport systems
  • Improve and enhance the urban finesse, refinement of public spaces
  • Maintain and support the profitability of retail
  • Lessen and reduce design inaccuracy, error and risk
  • Analyzing and testing way finding, legibility and natural surveillance and observation