
Sustainability Approach

James Cubitt is playing a part in ensuring within the different communities & environments that the world is developing which has to meet the needs of our future generations. We are always doing our best effort to assure that we operate sustainably and in a responsible & ethical manner. Our values for all delivering long lasting solutions to our clients that are locally appropriate, economically, socially beneficial & environmentally

Our working environment creates a culture that will take care of our people in delivering sustainable innovations to our business partners and clients.

We know that real sustainability leads to real value for our clients, for our communities and for our people.

Sustainability is a value-adding approach

Sustainability aligns with the goals of achieving more for less and more with less. We’ve shown that cost savings can be achieved by pursuing sustainable solutions – often when conventional performance and cost drivers have been exhausted. Sustainability provides a way of looking at old problems with new eyes and strengthening solutions to new challenges.

Innovate and valuable

Innovation involves stepping out of comfort zones. Sustainability brings a host of new challenges and often means venturing into uncomfortable territory – it offers fertile ground for value-adding creativity. So seek out opportunities to do things differently, evolving new value-adding services.

Environment & Sustainability Policy

James Cubitt & Partners Ltd are a multi-disciplinary practise , offering a wide range of complementary design and expert planning services including project management, building consultancy services master planning, conservation, facilities management, interior and graphic design in addition to our core architectural services. The practice provides this service throughout the United Kingdom and internationally.

James Cubitt & Partners Ltd recognises that its activities have an impact on the environment. In all our activities, working practices and business relationships, we are committed to protecting, conserving and enhancing all aspects of the environment over which we have control or can influence.

Our team includes Low Carbon Assessors, a Sustainable Homes assessor, an energy manager and architectural designers who are members of the Green Register of Construction Professionals. These environmental specialists work to support our other disciplines including architecture, building surveying, quantity surveying, building services engineering and project management to implement this Policy.

We shall ensure compliance with all relevant environmental legislation and regulations and take action to continually improve our environmental performance and prevent pollution across all our activities, products and services.

Within our practise we shall:

  • Take environmental considerations into account when selecting our suppliers.
  • Encourage to use resources wisely by reducing resource use and reusing or recycling materials wherever possible.
  • Improve the efficiency of energy use in our buildings and processes
  • Minimise water use in our buildings and processes
  • Prevent or minimise the risk of pollution arising from our operations
  • Promote sustainable design solutions that improve on statutory standards

We will ensure this policy is implemented throughout our operations by:

  • Ensuring all our employees understand the environmental impacts of their own jobs.
  • Promote, inform and train our employees in understanding and fulfilling their environmental responsibilities and those of the Company
  • Keep up to date with all relevant technical advances and comply with all applicable environmental legislative requirements, codes of practice and clients’ environmental requirements
  • Informing contracted consultants of the requirement to comply with this policy when providing goods and services.
  • Periodically reviewing the environmental issues at the highest level within the organisation.
  • Reviewing this policy and its effectiveness on an annual basis.